Armenian Studies for teenagers
The course is a kind of journey through time and space, the purpose of which is the discovery and self-knowledge of Armenia, the land of secrets.
Traveling through the regions of the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Artsakh, we will study their colors, songs, art, and language, get acquainted with a variety of historical characters who lived long before us, communicate with them, and try to uncover their secrets left to us. The journey is aimed at getting to know yourself better, to love and appreciate yourself. Brief description: during the course, children will enrich their vocabulary, get acquainted with the most important events of Armenian history, discover Armenian art, they will get acquainted with their peers, take part in educational games, debates, and group work, get acquainted with nature, geography, sights of Armenia, life and everyday life of people.

History teacher, orientalist and Iranologist.
Teacher and leader in "Teach for Armenia".
Studied Iranian historiography at Allameh Tabataba University.
About the project
Opportunity to have influence not only within the borders of our country, but also abroad, returning the Armenians all over the world to their roots.
Message to students
You change the world.
Why M.A.M
The importance of education and the realization of power is paramount, the appreciation of the Diaspora-Armenia connection is aimed at action and it is clear the realization that by educating a patriotic individual with world values today, we are building strong society and country of tomorrow.