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"Armenian for beginners part-1" with the help of intermediary languages
14 $
48 lessons
"Armenian for beginners part-1" with the help of intermediary languages

Accelerated course "Armenian for beginners" is explicitly designed for foreigners and Armenians whose primary language is not Armenian. The course includes topics relevant for adaptation in the country, which will be helpful in everyday life and work, as well as expand the educational horizons and penetration into the Armenian environment and national culture.

Any material is explained in an accessible form in the form of colorful understandable diagrams, illustrations, and analogies in the native language.

It all starts with the production of sounds because the phonetics in the Armenian language is different from others. Therefore, much attention is paid to stress and intonation when studying the Armenian language. We will help you learn and apply the basic grammatical constructions, words, and expressions necessary for communication.

It is not easy to learn the Armenian language, but if you approach the matter creatively, choosing the proper methodology, then any material will be accessible.


At the initial stage of learning, a natural or emotional-semantic method is mainly used, according to which language learning should begin with understanding the meaning, not the form. It is proposed to learn a foreign language naturally, just as children learn to speak their native language.

At the first stage of the initial training cycle, the student is allowed to listen to the speech of a native speaker until he begins to gradually grasp the general meaning of what he has heard, progressively overcoming his fear of a foreign language.

At the end of the first cycle, when the Armenian speech no longer seems gibberish, the listener can not just study the language but spend an hour of class communicating in Armenian. Thus, the language barrier overcomes, and speech initiative arises – the main factor of foreign language proficiency.

At the end of the first cycle, which lasts about 2-3 months, listeners can already speak Armenian, read small texts, and watch short videos on the Internet.

Learning outcomes

At the end of the First level of the course, participants will be able to

• read and understand simple sentences, in particular, in ads, on posters, in restaurant menus, on shop windows, and understand the basic information of a minor, adapted text.

• understand the basic information (topic, main content, and communicative intentions) of short dialogues and monologues in everyday communication situations;

• be able to maintain a conversation about yourself, friends, family, working day, and free time.

• The volume of vocabulary will be up to 2,000 words.

Academic load

In addition to the main classroom hours, students devote no more than 30 minutes to extracurricular (independent) work on preparing for lessons.

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Awareness-raising courses for returnees

M.A.M Online School and the Center for Repatriation and Integration of the Office of the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs jointly launch the 3rd stage of the integration course.

As part of the course, our compatriots living in the Diaspora and repatriated get acquainted with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, the business environment, and cultural peculiarities in order to organize their integration in Armenia as smoothly and quickly as possible.

The speakers of the course are the best experts in their field, who introduce the topics discussed in detail, individually answer the private questions of the participants.

The following are the main speakers and topics they present.

Ani Hakobyan, being a Partner of the audit and consulting company Grant Thornton, introduces the participants to the business environment formed in Armenia, approaches and peculiarities of doing business.

✅Being an experienced lawyer and Head of the legal service of one of the largest banks in Armenia, Syuzanna Akritova represents the legal field of the Republic of Armenia, legal norms related to RA citizenship, military service, registration of business etc.

Ani Harutyunyan, being a repatriate, a participant in the "iGorts" program, being an experienced art critic, theater critic, on the basis of personal and professional experience, presents the peculiarities of culture formed in Armenia, integration into Armenian society.

✅The experienced specialists of the consulting company Parvanyan represent the tax and customs legislation of the Republic of Armenia, approaches and features of accounting.

More information here

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>tev u tikunk
tev u tikunk
[t’ev u t’ikunk’]
And these words explain so many feats, so many self-sacrifices and beautiful deeds. He will do everything for you, because he is your hands and back. Let's support each other!
>akanj dnel
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[akanj dnel]
This has been created for those who are too curious to eavesdrop and put their ear in the conversation of others in order not to miss anything.
>khelqy utel
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[khelqy utel]
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Ungrateful and unwelcoming, we would even say a backslider, who does not understand the lavish Armenian hospitality? It is not advised to be ungrateful and unwelcoming among hospitable, and open-hearted Armenians.
achqd looys
achqd looys
[achqd looys]
As a matter of fact Armenians use the word “Achqd looys” to congratulate a person on joyous occasions. “Achqd looys“ means, by definition, may your eyes stay enlightened.
The word “jan” can be virtually used in any context due to its collocational power. “Jan” stresses up the importance of a person you talk to and the overall topic itself.
geerq krtsogh
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[geerq krtsogh]
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apri arevd
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[apri arevd]
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The magic word “Anoosh” is commonly used to perk a person up after having a meal or a bath.
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